
How to choose the best grass available in your budget

When selecting green turf grass it is important that you choose the best grass available in your budget. However, the decision of selecting turf grass is not that simple. Most people ignore one important portion of selection process, which is to do some research and gather some background information. You must remember when selecting turf grass that if the chosen grass turns out to be inappropriate, then changing it can be a labour intensive and costly option.

Therefore, you must evaluate all the available choices thoroughly. You can select the best turf grass for your needs if you consider a few important things carefully.

Maintenance required

Low maintenance areas – The mowing height for these areas is fairly high and usually they are fertilised once in a year. There are some homes that come in this category, but typically these areas are industrial grounds, cemeteries, picnic grounds and golf course roughs.

Medium maintenance areas – These areas are where regular watering is provided with frequent mowing in the range of 2 to 3 inch range. Usually, these areas are fertilised 2 or 3 times in a year. Most home lawns fall in this category, apart from them there are office parks, apartment buildings, athletic fields and golf course fairways.

High maintenance areas – These areas are frequently irrigated and mowing is done at the lower end of the range to produce high quality appearance. These areas are fertilised almost 3 to 5 times in a year. Although, some home lawns fall in this level of maintenance, but it is usually reserved for estate grounds, golf greens, theme parks and upscale hotels.

Aesthetic qualities

The most visible aesthetics of a turf grass is its colour, which ranges from light green to dark green. However, there are many other factors that you must consider. Leaf texture, is one such factor that describes the width of the leaves. Remember, that thin or fine grass is usually not tough. Additionally, you can improve the aesthetics by choosing the right density. High density means larger number of plants per area, which means more cost.

Resistance against potential damages

Insect resistant – There are certain species of turf grass that are more resistant to insect attacks than others. This is usually due to Endophytes, which are naturally occurring fungi. However, some Endophytes are harmful for grazing animals and you must enquire about them.

Drought resistant – There are certain varieties of turf grass that are more resistant to drought conditions and possess the ability to maintain green colour and good quality in drought conditions.

Temperature tolerance – You should enquire about temperature extreme that various turf grass can tolerate. Some have better survival capabilities during extreme summer and winter temperatures.


You must remember that there is no green turf grass that can survive with no water, requires mowing infrequently and can resist wear and tear under any conditions. Therefore, don’t search for such a turf grass. The challenge for you is to use the information given above to match different features and attributes of various grass species and then decide on the turf grass that suits your needs and desires.