
Gladioli – Some of the Best Bulbs to Plant

Gladioli have a lot going for them. They will thrive and flower for a long time, and they are so bright and colourful. Gladioli bulbs are some of the best to plant for new gardeners and experienced gardeners alike, cheering up a garden with their variety of colours. They are also incredibly easy to grow in all of their varieties, making them a great, low maintenance option for your summer garden.

When to plant gladioli 

You will need to plant your gladioli bulbs between March and June time after the soil has started to warm up. If you don’t leave it long enough, you are in danger of your bulbs dying off and never growing. Once they have been planted, gladioli will usually begin to flower around 100 days later – usually around July time if planted earlier in the season. The main thing is that there shouldn’t be a danger of frost once you have planted your bulbs.

Choosing a variety 

One of the reasons why gladioli are so well loved is due to their variety. There are different colours and shapes available – some popular varieties include:

  • Bocelli
  • Matanzas
  • Azzurro
  • Nanus charming lady
  • Communis byzantinus

Some of these are dwarf gladioli, so you can also choose smaller flowers if you would prefer. Mix and match gladioli – if you plant them at different times during the season, then you can enjoy having some gladioli flowers throughout the spring and summer – they will flower at different times and keep on blooming.

How to plant and look after your gladioli bulbs 

Plant the bulb around 6-8 inches deep in the soil. These plants can grow very tall, so this will help them to grow good, strong roots and be well supported. They need to be very moist, so think about using some compost in the tench that you dig to plant your flowers, as this will help nourish them and keep them wet.

You will want to use a high potash feed for your gladiolus. This will help keep the plants well fed and will be especially helpful if they are planted in poorer quality soil. Many people choose to remove the bulbs over the harsh winter weather, storing them in a greenhouse or similar place to prevent the frost getting to them. However, this can depend on where you are located – if the weather is warmer, then you won’t need to necessarily.

Buying your gladioli bulbs 

The main thing to remember when buying bulbs is to check the variety, so you know what type of gladioli you will be growing. You can then match them together, or mix and match as preferred, helping you to plan out your garden. Make sure you buy your gladioli bulbs from a reputable retailer in the field, looking at them online to find out more about where their bulbs come from. Ensure the delivery time isn’t too long if you do order online, because bulbs should be planted when they are still fresh. If you notice anything unusual about your bulbs when they arrive, let the retailer know.